Sequel of Evolution Simulator 2 - next step in evolution
Game features
- 2 types of food: meat and plants
- creature's editor
- 40 levels in 5 different themes
- 30 various type of enemies
- many upgrades (passive and active)
- nice graphics
- atmospheric soundtrack
- simple controls
- addictive gameplay
Sequel of Evolution Simulator 2 - langkah selanjutnya dalam evolusi
Fitur permainan
- 2 jenis makanan: daging dan tanaman
- Editor makhluk
- 40 level dalam 5 tema berbeda
- 30 berbagai jenis musuh
- banyak peningkatan (pasif dan aktif)
- Grafik yang bagus
- soundtrack atmosfer
- Kontrol sederhana
- Gameplay adiktif